Business Opportunities for Women Are Being Developed in a New Country
Society Can Help You in Expand Business Opportunities for Women
There is no shortage of business opportunities for women, such as single mothers, who are determined to be successful in life. All that is required is the eagerness to learn practical skills that can be used to start small businesses from your home. Knowing the local languages is also useful when interacting with people. There is also the need to save a bit of what is earned and make safe investments, which will help to earn more income in the form of interests. This can be illustrated better with the story of a single mother named Mrs Meling, who fled from Sudan to Uganda with her four children and two sisters after violence broke out in the area where she lived. When she escaped her home, she just had a few clothes and two saucepans.
She Saved Money From Her Earnings
After arriving at Kampala, Mrs Meling did odd jobs like washing dishes during the daytime and selling bananas at night. Her knowledge of the English language helped her in Uganda. She soon learned the local languages by conversing with the customers. Then she and her sisters worked as domestic workers for a family and received food and accommodation for her family. After a few months, with the help of another Sudanese immigrant, she joined a women’s saving and loan group so that she could save money from her earnings.
With her savings, she was able to rent a house and also started a convenience store in her home in Central Kampala. She already had experience running her food business in her home country. She sold items like curry powder, soda, menstrual products, etc. during the day. Later on, she used the room only for her business and rented another room for staying with her family. All she needed was to learn more skills that would enable her to earn sufficiently to take care of her family.
The International Rescue Committee provided training in baking skills and also offered business skills. She learned to make cakes, doughnuts, cookies, and other things and was given an oven, which she shared with other women. She started selling cookies, doughnuts, cakes, chapatis at a nearby stand. Then, her business also provided chapatis to workers at a construction site and also supplied cookies to children at a school. For additional help, she hired two people and allowed them to sleep at the shop at night. Presently, Mrs Meling has become very successful and has ambitions to take her business to greater heights and also possess property and land.
This inspiring example illustrates how a single mother can overcome poverty by having a belief in herself. She has to be ready to enhance her working skills and be receptive to learning new things always. She can easily learn skills, such as baking and cooking, and use them to make products like cakes or doughnuts, which are in high demand always. It is essential to know all aspects of any business before starting one. Another important thing that is highlighted is the necessity to be in contact with other support groups in the society. They can help you expand your business quickly.
Be Successful Businesswoman
Many organizations provide the necessary working skills to make women earn independently. They also offer financial support to help set up small businesses. Women should also learn to use their communication skills so that they can provide excellent customer service. It is better to learn the local languages as that will help to please the customers. It is essential not to be overwhelmed by challenges and keep moving ahead by focusing on your goals in life. All these form the recipe for being a successful businesswoman.